Leave Your Own Legacy for the Future
Imagine a future where every Oregon school is a hub of sustainability, students working weekly in gardens, reducing waste, and learning to shape healthier communities. This is the future you can shape through planned giving.
Charitable gift annuity rates have increased recently. This means that payout rates are higher than they have been in the past decade.
Planned giving is not just for older adults and people who are wealthy—it’s a great option for younger supporters who want to make an impact later. Naming Eco-School Network as a beneficiary of a retirement account or life insurance policy can grow into a transformative gift, helping your favorite cause thrive for years. Leaving a legacy of stewardship is a decision you’ll feel good about.
Ways to Give a Planned Gift
Simply add language that designates a specific amount, percentage, or portion of the balance of your estate as a gift to the Eco-School Network. This is called a bequest. This type of giving decreases the burden of taxes on your family, and you can even receive estate tax savings.
Adding Eco-School Network as a beneficiary to your retirement plan, IRA, life insurance, investment, or bank account is as easy as updating your beneficiary form. You’ll be able to freely use and withdraw from your account as long as you need it. You can change your mind any time in the future, like if a loved needs financial help. This also allows you to get an estate tax charitable deduction. Our EIN# for the form is 71-1029665.
If you are 70½ or older, you may also be interested in a way to lower the income and taxes from your IRA withdrawals. In addition to providing funds to advance our mission this year, you can avoid taxes on transfers of up to $105,000 from your IRA, possibly satisfy your required minimum distribution, shrink your taxable income, and make a gift that is not subject to the deduction limits on charitable gifts. Just contact your IRA plan administrator.
Consider setting up a charitable gift annuity or trust, a charitable remainder trust; donating securities or a home; or leaving a memorial gift in honor of a loved one.
Join the Eco-School Network Legacy Society
Our Legacy Society celebrates the forward-thinking generosity of those who include Eco-School Network in their estate plans. Through any of the options outlined above, your thoughtful planning helps ensure we can continue fostering healthier, greener cultures in Oregon’s K-8 schools for generations to come.
As a member of the Legacy Society, you’ll enjoy benefits like:
- Your name displayed in our annual impact report and on our website
- Invitations to our biannual donor receptions and other special events
- A beautiful certificate to commemorate your membership
- Recognition in our quarterly newsletter
Becoming a member is simple. Just let us know that you’ve included Eco-School Network in your estate plans. If you prefer to remain anonymous, we are happy to respect your wishes while still welcoming you into this high-impact community.
Sue Alperin: A Life of Service, A Legacy for the Future
Jeanne Roy, Eco-School Network’s co-founder, remembers Sue Alperin as a force of boundless energy. Dedicating her life to helping others, she served with the American Red Cross, championed the women’s movement, taught art therapy, matched immigrants with housing, and worked on school curricula. For years, she led FolkTime, a nonprofit center for people with schizophrenia.
An outdoor enthusiast, Sue founded a weekly hiking group. Jeanne joined Sue’s group in the 1970s and learned nearly every trail and wildflower in the Gorge. Through the friendship, Sue became deeply supportive of our Network’s mission.
In 2023, Sue passed from lung cancer leaving a powerful legacy. Her bequest has made a tangible impact, allowing staff to focus more on delivering programs to schools and less on fundraising. We’re honored to steward Sue’s gift, ensuring her legacy lives on through the students we serve. Sue Alperin was the Founding member of Eco-School Network Legacy Society.