Our members see a need and find a solution.
We strive to further the well-being and ecological education of our children by reinforcing their connection to our natural world through educational opportunities, projects, and hands-on activities in the schools. Our projects range from one-time anti-idle campaigns all the way through district-wide changes. On these pages you will find some of our project highlights and accomplishments.
Outdoor Classrooms
Learning in nature improves emotional, intellectual, and behavioral development in children. By setting up mobile or permanent outdoor classrooms, we can help teachers give students the space to become more confident, creative, and independent problem-solvers.
Waste Reduction
Equip your cafeteria with durable cafeteria trays, cups, and utensils to stop the constant flow of disposables going to landfills. Help set up a sorting line to divert food scraps to compost sites and keep recyclables out of the trash.
School Gardens
Create a space for hands-on learning. School gardens allow kids to form a personal relationship with their food that will carry on throughout their lives. As a living laboratory, they are able to experience science firsthand and develop an appreciation for the natural environment.
Student Green Teams
Call it an Eco-Club, Climate Action Kids, Planet Party…whatever they want! A student green team gives kids the power to take action in their school and teaches them valuable leadership skills. Green teams get to work together to learn about our planet and make change in their community.
Earth Day Events
Climate Action is needed all year but on Earth Day, we get together to celebrate the difference we are making. Wether it’s joining a march, cleaning up our neighborhood, or planting trees, Changemakers in Oregon are out in full force on Earth Day!
Active Transportation
Lead a Bike + Walk to school program! Organize a bike train, a walking school bus, or promote active transportation by doing a school-wide Walk-and-Roll challenge. Reduce carbon emissions and get kids moving their bodies by encouraging families to choose to leave the car at home.
These are just a few examples of the types of projects Changemakers lead to shift school culture towards sustainability.
Coming together is the beginning. Keeping together is progress. Working together is success.
—Henry Ford